AS CHN NO BEI Dongcheng 2017AUG05 001  Beijing's air quality is one of the worst in the world, with the view outside my 7th floor room at the   Chong Wen Men Hotel   proving the fact. : 2017, 2017 - EurAisa, Asia, August, China, DAY, Eastern Asia, Saturday  AS CHN NO BEI Dongcheng 2017AUG05 002  Four lanes of traffic is something you'd expect on an freeway, not a city street. : 2017, 2017 - EurAisa, Asia, August, China, DAY, Eastern Asia, Saturday  AS CHN NO BEI Dongcheng 2017AUG05 003  You kind of lose the effect of a nicely manicured city garden with have such a huge sign on prominet display. : 2017, 2017 - EurAisa, Asia, August, China, DAY, Eastern Asia, Saturday